Take The Time…

If you give yourself some time….. some space….. allow your imagination to wander, and to wonder !

Being a tour guide, it’s difficult to find that time…. I have other people to care about and it’s 24/7. However, when the chance does present itself, I grab the time and the space.

Who put these stones in long rows, all over Dartmoor?

Why did people want to be buried in great ships, on land?

Why did the masses allow powerful people within the church and aristocracies dominate them?

Why sheep here, or grain there?

How did a fisherman live in the Bronze Age?

Why build a church steeple so high?

These are just examples of my pondering over the decades….I’m sure you have many of your own, too.

So my point is that you shouldn’t just go go go and tick boxes, as you travel. Slow down…….. stop….. think about the site, the object, the people who did it.

Think and ask questions.

This is an image of parallel lines of stones on Dartmoor, in Devon…. A feature of our SW England Tour.


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The Great Swim


Odins Stone