Stokesay Castle …

“Stokesay Castle……. Always a wonder to me!

Apart from, possibly the best, scones in England, Stokesay Castle is enchanting.

When the sun is shining, take a walk around it’s moat and study the insect life busilying themselves with their various harvests amongst the trees and plants, therein.

Then scurry up to the buttery yellow, and very ancient, gatehouse. Imagine being the gatekeeper for a great family, and having the honour of opening the great oaken doors to friends and guests.

Stand on the grass, amongst the scorch marks that indicate where the kitchens used to be, and imagine the hustle and bustle of many people living and working here.

And then enter the great house……. ? Castle……??…. Which is it really?

Built at a time when these borderlands were being pacified, you can decide.

Exploring the empty rooms, listen to the echoes of previous residents as they whisper secrets to you……. And then duck and dodge as the house martins attack! They will!

The view from the tower is spectacular and you can imagine the great Lord of Ludlow, standing atop and spying over his domain……. And in a very satisfying way, he would count his sheep.

His wife shouts from below and like all great Lords, he sighs and looks over the towers parapet, to see what she needed.

She waves up at him, warmly.

Yes, castle life at Stokesay, is a wonder to me!

Pay your respects at the church before you leave…….. and sigh !”

Many years ago, I took a Rick Steves group to this wonderful castle, nestled in the heart of Shropshire. It’s a place that I had visited several times in the past and I had argued strongly that it should be included on his Best of England tour….. and so there we were.

Thousands of his travelers have had the wonderful experience of seeing this place.

I am happy

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I Walked Into The Site Known As, The Jarlshof …


And The Herring Boats Are Gone….